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Foundation story

A heart for serving and caring

Published on Monday February 12, 2024
David Frantz

A Q and A with new board member and retired cardiothoracic surgeon David Frantz, MD

David Frantz, MD, joined the Centra Foundation’s board in January. A retired cardiothoracic surgeon, he led central Virginia’s first open-heart surgery team, at Centra Virginia Baptist Hospital, and helped Centra start its cardiothoracic surgery program. He discusses why he gives through the Centra Foundation, what brought him to Lynchburg, what it was like to perform the first open-heart surgery and how you can help keep your heart healthy.

How did you come to serve on the Centra Foundation's board and why did you want to serve your community in this way?
As a surgeon for many years in Lynchburg, I was acutely aware of the need for our hospital and physicians to serve the entire community. I think the Foundation is an excellent way to address specific local concerns about access and quality.

Over the years, you have supported the Greatest Need Fund, capital campaigns, heart and vascular care and more. Why give through the Centra Foundation? Why healthcare? Why Centra?

Centra was my professional home, and I am committed to helping it be the best possible healthcare system.

What brought you to central Virginia and Lynchburg?

This was a unique opportunity for me and my family. I was in practice in St. Louis, Missouri, but Lynchburg and Centra offered a chance to start a cardiothoracic surgery program here and move back closer to family.

You performed the first open-heart surgery in Lynchburg. When was that, what was that moment like and what were some of your thoughts about being able to do that for our community?

That was 1989. It was the culmination of a lot of planning by many people and training of staff. I think it is a lot like your “team taking the field” for the first game! It was gratifying and we all felt a real responsibility to be excellent in all the aspects of our care for patients.

It's National Heart Month. Any quick advice?

Keep moving! And don’t smoke.

What's something people might be surprised to learn about you?

I had competition in my family. My brother is also a retired cardiothoracic surgeon.