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March Community Partner: Lynchburg Grows

Published on Friday March 10, 2023
Lynchburg Grows

Food serves as an equalizer because it applies to everyone and is one of the first places to start when pursuing a healthy lifestyle. This is why Centra’s partnership with Lynchburg Grows has been a tangible way for our healthcare system to work to fulfill its vision—specifically, being able to advance the health and quality of life for the communities we serve.

The mission of Lynchburg Grows is to work within the community to provide access to healthy food and to provide jobs to those with intellectual disabilities. The urban farm has grown deep roots of impact in our community through its variety of services. From a community-supported agriculture (CSA) program to a farm store where seasonal produce can be purchased and the FreshRx Program that exposes individuals to different vegetables while providing them with education on how to prepare them, Lynchburg Grows has something for everyone. Additionally, there are around 18 organizations within our community that receive produce drop-offs from Lynchburg Grows based on their need.

Centra actively partners with Lynchburg Grows through the free FreshRx Program. Clinicians can “prescribe” the program to patients who would benefit from adding more fresh vegetables to their diet. If patients choose to join, they attend classes led by a nutrition educator over a period of a few weeks. Because making preparing vegetables approachable to everyone is a key aspect of the classes, considerable focus is given to cooking and nutrition education.

Lynchburg Grows has worked to eliminate barriers to participation and if a patient does not have transportation readily available to them, they are provided with bus passes. At the end of each class session, every participant receives a bag of fresh veggies after every class, and the teaching staff ensures that they also have pantry staples such as oil and salt so that they are equipped to prepare the vegetables at home.

Shelley Blades, the Executive Director of Lynchburg Grows, shared that individuals who participate have noticed positive changes in their health too. One gentleman who participated had high A1C due to his Type 2 Diabetes. However, after participating in FreshRx, he learned how to cook for himself, he stopped eating at a buffet restaurant every day and was able to lower his A1C.

To learn more about the work that Lynchburg Grows is doing to create a healthier community, provide jobs to those with intellectual disabilities and farm  sustainably, listen to this month’s community partner episode of Centra’s podcast, “& so much more.”