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Strategic Plan

Centra’s Strategic Plan and priorities will serve as our compass and guide our efforts to fulfill our mission and vision. They are our path to advancing our vision for the future.
Strategic Plan


Why we exist

To improve the health and quality of life for the communities we serve


Our hope for the future

Pursue excellence. Inspire hope. Advance health and healing.



Our standards of behavior

  • Respect & Kindness
  • Excellence
  • Stewardship
  • Integrity
  • Teamwork
  • Equity, Diversity & Inclusion


Our approach to the future

Using feedback through the Clarity survey and with input from our entire organization and community partners, we have developed a plan that will ensure long-term growth and vitality. We will pursue these strategies in an environment that is both vibrant and inclusive, while equipping ourselves with the resources and infrastructure necessary to enable successful implementation and sustainability.

Strategic themes

Long-term plans: 3-5 years

Strategic Plan People First


Strategic Plan Culture of Safety and Quality


Strategic Plan One Centra


People First

The People First strategy focuses on our greatest strength: our people. We support and nurture our people through a culture that values development, thereby attracting and retaining diverse talent within our organization. We strive to create an environment where every Caregiver is valued, connected to purpose, finds and shares joy in their work.

Culture of Safety & Quality

By implementing a Just Culture and problem-solving methodology, we will focus on quality and patient safety as core values, where zero patient harm is our pursuit. We will strive to empower caregivers to be problem-solvers, to use their critical thinking skills and experience to identify and address opportunities for improvement in a workplace that is free from fear.

One Centra

Centra will act as one system in our approach to brand and service standards, operations, management, governance, allocation of resources and delivery of healthcare. We will leverage the strength of our diversity and system-ness to accelerate performance improvement.

Strategic Plan Community Health and Value-Based Care


Strategic Plan Performance Excellence



Community Health & Value-Based Care

It is important that Centra serves the healthcare needs of our local and regional communities. We are committed to fostering strategic relationships with community stakeholders and partners to achieve improved health for all. Focusing on the Community Health Needs Assessment, we seek to expand access and create value, transforming the health of our communities.

Performance Excellence

This strategy will focus on the relentless pursuit of excellence through continuous review, adaptation and improvement of our Caregiver and patient experience, engagement, quality and patient safety, community trust, and financial stability.



Organizational priorities

Short-term plans: 12-18 months

Strategic Plan Cultural Connectedness


Strategic Plan Sustainability and Long-range Planning


strategic Plan Access and Community Impact


Cultural Connectedness

  • Workforce Development
  • Talent Management & Leadership Development
  • Patient Experience
  • Leadership Visibility
  • Clarity & Communication of Vision & Strategy
  • Advancement of Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion
  • Just Culture Implementation

& Long-Range

  • Performance Improvement, Lean & A3
  • Enterprise Risk Management
  • Standardization of Operating Model across One Centra
  • Financial Stability
  • Physician & Provider Recruitment
  • Capital Planning
  • IT Governance
  • Brand & Service Standards

Access &

  • Development & Growth of Ambulatory Service Line
  • Growth of Holistic Behavioral Health Services Across the Continuum
  • CHNA Alignment & Implementation
  • Modernization of Facilities & Master Facilities Planning
  • Network Development & Value-Based Care

Just Culture

Strategic Vision


APP strategic plan

Nursing strategic plan