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Strategy in Action, Premier Quality Enterprise Suite

Published on Wednesday August 7, 2024

Centra’s ability to analyze and evaluate clinical service line patient outcomes across our system is taking a significant step forward this summer with the implementation of the Premier Quality Enterprise Suite of Products. Premier partners with more than 4,400 hospitals and health systems in the United States, encompassing over 45% of all inpatient discharges nationwide. This large dataset is used to calculate risk-adjusted clinical outcome rates for diseases like sepsis, stroke and heart failure.

Gaining new insights through this program will help us to better execute our strategic themes including building a “Culture of Safety & Quality,” achieving “Performance Excellence” and remaining focused on “Community Health and Value-Based Care.”

How does this technology tie to Culture of Safety & Quality?

The risk-adjusted patient outcome data that this system provides is enabling our clinical teams and leaders to evaluate the quality of patient care in ways previously not readily available to us. Centra’s Quality Department supports the organization’s service lines and hospital facilities in evaluating their data related to mortalities, complications, readmissions, length of stay and Patient Safety Indicators (PSI).

command centerHow will Premier Enterprise Data help us achieve Performance Excellence?

In addition to providing our service lines with data they can use to assess their clinical outcomes for improvement opportunities, the Premier Quality Enterprise Suite enables our system to evaluate and forecast our performance in reputational programs. These include pay-for-performance programs, CMS Star Ratings and the Leapfrog Hospital Safety Grade Program among others.

Wait, this will help our community too?

Yes! The data within this system will also support our annual community needs assessments and processes, allowing us to perform in-depth clinical outcome assessments of the communities we serve by also evaluating disparities in clinical care in our service areas.