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Centra News

Centra news, tips, and the latest on what’s happening in health and wellness.
Centra news

Paving the way

November 1, 2022
With a midwifery apprenticeship background, Andrea assisted midwives with home births in her local community of Hurt, Virginia.
Centra news

Bowen family's legacy gift

November 1, 2022
A $1.84 million legacy estate gift from a local family at the end of the last decade is supporting Centra’s nursing program during a critical moment for the profession and healthcare system. 
Centra news

Grateful Patient Giving : Elizabeth Rose

November 1, 2022
When Elizabeth Rose, a 40-year-old teacher at Monelison Middle School, woke up shortly before 5 am one morning, she had the impression something was pulling at her left arm.
Centra news

Giving Back

November 1, 2022
Fifteen months after Rowena and Phil Mason retired, Rowena knew something was wrong with her husband.
Foundation story

New Check-In for Centra's Alan B. Pearson Regional Cancer Center

November 1, 2022
Centralized check-in area means better care ‘every step of the way’ for cancer patients 
Foundation story

Support for Caregivers in times of acute, unexpected need

November 1, 2022
Since 2016, the Helping Hands Program has supported more than 500 Caregivers facing an acute, unexpected need. This support allows Caregivers to attend to important personal matters.
Centra news

FACE funding by Greatest Needs Fund

November 1, 2022
In his mid-40s, David* faced significant mental health and substance abuse issues.
Foundation story

Meet Madison Rogers

October 30, 2022
Vibrant. Determined. Feisty in the best possible way.
Centra news

Virginia's first emPATH unit

October 24, 2022
Thanks to an anonymous $1 million donation, Centra began construction on Virginia's first emPATH unit in September and an innovative new approach to emergency psychiatric care.

Let's talk about the new emPATH unit

October 13, 2022