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Press release

Empowering Everyday Heroes: Centra Implements Bystander Crisis Response Training to Prevent Tragic Loss of Life

Published on Tuesday June 20, 2023

In response to an increase in violent crimes in public places, Centra has joined the nationwide initiative to “Stop The Bleed,” in order to empower people of all walks of life to be prepared and proactive bystanders!

Centra provides “Stop the Bleed,” training to its Caregivers and the community in order to equip bystanders to respond appropriately in crisis situations. The "Stop the Bleed," program is an initiative aimed at equipping community members with life-saving skills to prevent unnecessary deaths caused by uncontrolled bleeding.

Preventable deaths due to uncontrolled bleeding account for a significant percentage of fatalities in emergencies, and the Stop the Bleed program addresses this urgent issue by offering comprehensive training courses accessible to everyone regardless of prior medical knowledge or experience.

The training allows participants to learn essential skills such as quickly identifying life-threatening bleeding, applying direct pressure to control bleeding and utilizing tourniquets and other improvised materials such as a belt or short sleeves when necessary.

Dr. William Weber, Centra’s Trauma Medical Director, explained that proactive responses to bleeding emergencies are incredibly important, going on to say, “by providing rapid response and rapid treatment of bleeding, a lot of these patients are able to survive to reach definitive care, namely at the hospital.”

Centra's overarching goal is to empower ordinary citizens to become potential lifesavers through this training resource. By equipping communities with these essential skills, Centra aims to foster a safer environment for all, ensuring that individuals have the knowledge and confidence to respond effectively during critical situations.