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About FACE: You helped Edward access excellent care and start fresh

Published on Thursday December 14, 2023
Edward Robertson

FACE Program

The donor-funded Financial Assistance for Change and Empowerment (FACE) program helped Edward transition to an assisted living program after 53 days in the adult psychiatric unit at Centra Virginia Baptist Hospital. The program is one of many ways you are supporting mental health and changing lives. 


Edward Robertson has hope for the future – no small thing for someone who has “been on quite a journey.” 

After 53 days in the adult psychiatric unit at Centra Virginia Baptist Hospital and life-saving surgery, the donor-funded FACE program helped him transition to an assisted living program where he can be monitored and get back on his feet. The program helps patients who need transportation to appointments, safe and stable housing, sober living residences, help with utilities, assistance with legal fees and more after they are discharged. 

“I was scared and homeless when I arrived,” Edward said about his time at VBH. “The care was great. Every single person was helpful. I couldn’t ask for better.”

Virginia Baptist Hospital

Assistance during a stay and after discharge 

To help with his depression and support his mental health, he attended one-on-one sessions and group therapy sessions. Along the way he got to know many caring and supportive Caregivers. 

“It was nothing like I expected,” he said. “You don’t know what to expect because of what you see in the movies. But I got to know them, and they got to know me. I realized I didn’t need to be scared. It all helped.”

Because of his significant health needs, his care team was apprehensive about discharging him to a homeless shelter. They knew he would need safe and stable housing to continue to heal. 

“The urgency of his situation was a challenge, and the stakes were incredibly high for his health and well-being,” one Caregiver said. “Thankfully, the FACE program provided hope in this critical moment. After diligent efforts, we successfully secured a placement for him in an assisted living program, ensuring his safety, stability and access to the care he needed.” 

From June to October of 2023, the FACE program helped 43 patients. Over 95 people have received assistance since it began in 2019. The program also helps prevent re-admissions to the hospital, in turn benefitting the community and helping other patients who need beds.

Patients have expressed surprise, deep appreciation and gratitude for the unexpected kindness. Many report that the support helped them make a positive change and have hope for the future.

“The impact of the FACE program for these patients is that it has been transformative for their lives,” said Shannon Miles, MSN, RN-C, senior director of nursing operations, psychiatry and behavioral health. “We extend our heartfelt gratitude. The program is changing lives for the better.”

Edward agrees. 

He expressed profound appreciation for the opportunity for a fresh start and the chance to rebuild his life after hitting a rough patch. In the assisted living facility, his caretaker described him as “a nice, nice person, someone who is well-deserving and that you just want all the best for.”

“I never had anybody do anything like this for me before,” Edward said. “I really appreciate it.”

Your generosity makes a difference in the lives of patients and families. A gift to the Greatest Need Fund helps Centra provide excellent care for everyone in our communities. 

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