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Financial Aid Policies

A woman sorts file folders for students.

Consortium agreements 

A consortium agreement allows a student to count courses taken at another school (host school) toward their eligibility for financial aid at Centra College (home school). The consortium agreement is only needed if the credits taken at the host school need to be counted for financial aid eligibility at the home school. 

If the student is already receiving their maximum eligibility at the home school, then there is no need to complete a consortium agreement.

Students taking courses at Central Virginia Community College (CVCC) can complete the CVCC Consortium Agreement Form found on Moodle under Student Resources > Financial Aid & Scholarship Info. Students must be enrolled at CVCC prior to completing the form. The consortium form is semester-based and must be completed each semester, as needed. If a student is approved to take co-requisite courses at a different college or university, the student can request a paper or PDF agreement form by emailing

Federal aid policies

Federal Aid policies are provided in the Centra College Student Catalog and Handbook. Policies under the Financial Aid section of the Student Handbook include federal aid eligibility, verification, withdraw (Return to Title IV), Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP), and more.

2022-2023 Centra College Student Catalog and Handbook